Drums set TAMA SUPERSTAR HYPER DRIVE LIMITED EDITION – Drums set TAMA SUPERSTAR HYPER DRIVE – Piano ROLAND RD-700SX – Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier ( 2 unit ) – Bass Amps Marshall Dynamic 400 – Marshall DSL40C 40W All Tube Guitar Combo Amp – Fender Hot Rod Amp – Peavy KB 100 – Kustom



This limited edition kit features a striking finish called “Exotic Brown Burst”, which resembles an exotic natural wood grain kit. This unique finish is accomplished through a special painting technique, and gives the beautiful look of a very high-end drum kit.



With TAMA Hyper-Drive kits, your audience will hear your every note and see your every move. Hyper-Drive’s unique and perfect combination of modern and traditional drum sizes offers sonic power with clarity, unparalleled set-up flexibility, and complete performance visibility


rd_700sx_angle_galRD-700SX : Digital Stage Piano

Equipped with the most authentic and expressive multisampled grands to ever adorn a stage piano, the RD-700SX represents the pinnacle of digital stage-piano design and performance. Driven by Roland’s most powerful sound engine, the RD-700SX enables the ultimate in sound and performance with two world-class grand piano waveforms at its core, and featuring 128-voice polyphonic performance, a Progressive Hammer-Action keyboard, and an expanded soundset (which includes brilliant electric pianos, authentic virtual tonewheel organs, and more). The RD-700SX is an unrivaled new breed of stage piano.


DualRecto-Stac-Lg-1Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier / 2 unit

1989 was the fork in the road here at Mesa/Boogie®. It was the year we embarked on a mission to Rectify high gain guitar and reintroduce MESA Engineering® to the world. Since the early 70’s the Boogie™ Mark Series amplifiers have been famous for their gobs of overdrive and liquid sustain, making them the choice for a solo voice. Combining this thick gain with our on board 5 Band Graphic EQ produced lethal crunch as well and these trademark sounds propelled players and MESA into the spotlight for 20 years.


96789_lMarshall DSL40C 40W All Tube Guitar Combo Amp

The Marshall DSL40C 40W tube combo amplifier is a sturdy, all-tube, gig-ready 40-Watt workhorse. It boasts a Celestion 12” speaker and the exact same front and rear panel features as the DSL100H.


marshall_MB4210Bass Amps Marshall Dynamic 400





Fender hot rodFender Hot Rod Amp

Fender Hot Rod amps are played by guitarists of all kinds on stages large and small worldwide. They’re affordable, reliable, loud and they pair fantastically with stomp boxes, as well. Hot Rod amps are the perfect foundation for the signature sounds of players everywhere, delivering unmistakable Fender tone with souped-up performance. No matter what musical road you’re on, nothing roars like a Hot Rod.

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